"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." ~John Muir

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I get paid to do this!

Hello from the great outdoors of Idaho!! basically my life is the best EVER. I get to live in the glorious country here for 5 months of my life! and get paid to do it. talk about lucky. but lets not just talk about lucky, lets show off what lucky is!

This is home sweet home for the next few months. its a little rough around the edges but you should see the views. :)

this is what i see every day. and every time i see it, it takes my breath away. sigh...awesome!!

i took this picture while i was walking the beach this beautiful sabbath day.

this is the outlet of the lake. so you see how clear the water is??? DANG, thats beautiful

basically there is so much to do and see and photograph, i had to create a blog JUST for this experience. I've never been so happy, or full of energy. why you ask? because I'm doing what I love! being in the outdoors, and surrounded by Gods beauty.

I went on a hike up Fish Hook Creek, the trail head is just right outside my bungalo (little cabin thingy i sleep in)

These are photos of that hike

some new little pine trees springing up

snow on the trail? yes please

view from the trail

made it to the sawtooth wildlife conservation thingy :) aka beaver ponds

 healthy and happy, this is where i'm meant to be!!!

I know this looks like i'm just playing all season. but I'm doing alot of hard work too. the work is tough but if i can walk to beach, hike, climb, boat on my days off? heck yah i'll do the work. next week is a new adventure with alot in store!! can't wait to share it with everyone!
signing off in Stanley Idaho,
till next time!!! 

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